Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tiling Project Ideas: Bathroom Remodeling Made Easy

One of the better ideas for a tiling projects is to remodel your bathroom. Doing the project right is important, however, and one way to start is to pick the right tools.
A Beautiful Tile Project Depends
on Good Quality Tile Tools

How Can the Right Tile Tools Help?

Can the right tile tools truly make a difference in the success or failure of a remodeling project, or any other tile project? In a word, yes. If you have contractor grade tile tools, it will give you the flexibility to make other decisions considering your remodeling project. Bathroom tiles come in a delightfully wide array of options that are almost limitless. With a very extensive range of colors, sizes, and designs they can make up the best-fitting patterns to match your taste. For your bathroom remodeling project, tiles are made from various materials you can choose from including ceramic, linoleum, natural stone, glass and porcelain. But whichever material you choose for your bathroom tiles, consider the pros and cons carefully.

Natural stone is beautiful, but you want to make sure that it is sealed and textured to avoid being slippery, particularly in a bathroom. You also don't want to use any u- glazed tiles such as terracotta in a bathroom as these tiles will need to be cleaned frequently to avoid stains. All you need to install them? A bit of know-how and the right tile tools for the job. First off you're probably going to need a tile saw or a tile cutter.

With bathroom remodeling, it is important to already have a pattern in mind before selecting and buying bathroom tiles. It is the pattern of your choice that will bring out your own individuality in your finished project. When it comes to tile ideas, you will never be at a loss as there are more than enough resources in the internet alone. To help you out in this home improvement, here are several general tips and ideas to create a stunning new look for your bathroom.

Tile Tips and Designing Your Dream Bathroom With Contractor Grade Tile Tools

One good idea is to install contrasting colors for your walls and floor. Make the bottom layer the same color as the floor, or a complementary color. Then to add some variety, maybe put a dividing line of a darker or lighter color with maybe a vibrant tile thrown in here or there to draw the eye. And don't forget the borders. Adding borders are great for trimming your project and giving it a sharp clean look. However, it's not just the tools you want to think about. We live in an age with grout color seal that can bring out the color in your tile.

Plain white grout lines are classic, however, why not get some in a mocha color to go with the earth tones of your master bathroom, or maybe a nice spruce color grout to go with the blues and greens of your tile color scheme?

It all depends on you and your imagination.  Start with professional grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tile Installation Tips: Install your Tile Flat

Here is an important tile installation tip. Make sure that your tile is flat. Why? Trip hazards for one, as well as tile that is too high or too low will look dilapidated.

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Tile Installation Tips

Here is a supporting tile installation tip from the Floor Elf: "I constantly reiterate the need for a tile installation to be flat. Not necessarily level, but always flat. This is the mark of a true professional and the thing that turns an ‘okay’ installation into a spectacular installation. (Did I just type ‘spectacular? Jesus…) Anyway, the method I use on floor tile to get it flat is fairly simple and ensures that each tile is the exact same height as the tiles surrounding it. Before I show you that you need to understand, as always, that the substrate preparation is the most important aspect of this. If your tile substrate looks like a skate park you’re never going to get a flat tile installation over the top of it. Your substrate needs to be as flat as you can possibly get it. Take time with your preparation – it makes the rest of the installation run smoothly and gives you a solid foundation. Start by getting a few tiles set and make sure they are all flat with your straight-edge, just place the straight-edge on top of the set tiles and ensure that there are no open spaces beneath it and that every tile is the same height. You can push down on tiles that may be a bit high or take a tile up and place a little more thinset beneath it to raise it some. Once you have that correct the rest is cake, baby! (You ever seen a cake baby? They’re messy…) All these photos are of a travertine tile bathroom floor. I used travertine photos because it happens to be one of the least dense stones and usually have quite a few pits and open spaces in the stone itself. If the tile is ‘filled’ travertine, as this is, it is normally only filled from the front so that, once installed, it has no open areas or pits on the face of the tile. [READ SOURCE ARTICLE]

The next thing you want to realize is that while the tile type you're working with is important, so are your tile tools.  Only buy contractor tile tools.  But where can you get such things?

Where Can I Buy Contractor Grade Tile Tools?

Where can you buy contractor grade tile tools? While you may be able to find a tool supplier in your town, unless you live in a major metropolitan area, you might run into some difficulties. A great place to buy tile tools is online.

A good online supplier will have both tile tools as well as grout.  So remember, start with your tiles.  Only get professional grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tile Restoration: What You Need to Know and What You Need to Get

Tile restoration is a great idea and much better than the normal idea of what to do with older tile.

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Why Tile Restoration Matters

For one thing, tile restoration is a lot more eco-friendly.  We live in a society that when something gets older or worn we are ready to throw it out and go out to get the latest style to replace it.

All the tile, grout and what not that you take out doesn't get recycled.  It ends up in a landfill somewhere.  Start with tile restoration tools and go from there.

If environmental concerns weren't enough, the next reason you should consider tile restoration is the simple matter of cost.  Tile restoration is about 70% cheaper than replacing your tile.  One thing to keep in mind is that new does not always mean better, and if very rarely means cheaper. It is important to know the difference between something that is new and if the product is of the best quality. Many products that are older are actually made with much better quality.

It used to be that companies would build products that would last, but eventually they realized the longer their products lasted the less likely the customer would be to return to purchase more. Eventually businesses realized that it was better for their business to make a quality product that had a specified lifespan. These items also tended to be more cost effective to create. This means that keeping certain items in your household and repairing, cleaning, or restoring them will be much more cost effective in the long run that it would be to replace them with a new product. There are many reasons for why restoration is a better option than replacement.

Reasons to Do Tile Restoration

Here are a few reasons why: Just like clothing the style of home décor can change over the years and with the seasons. Take a look at homes from a few decades ago. It was extremely popular to have pastel colored tiles throughout your bathroom. That is no longer the style; it is larger neutral colored tile. This means that should you want to replace the tiles, but remain with the same style it could pose quite a challenge to do that. Many people like the classic look of the home, and want to keep it true to the style.

You want to make sure you also use the right tools.  You want professional grade tile tools.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tiling and Tile Tools: An In-depth Look at Professional Tile Tools (Conclusion)

When you're selecting tile tools for a project, there is a lot of information you need to have before you buy them.

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Things to Know Before you Buy Professional Tile Tools

For example, when you are debating which power tile saw to purchase, you need to consider how many watts it operates at. A power saw with a high wattage will generally cut tougher tiles more efficiently, with little to no wasted material. The table size also should be considered.

If you need to work with larger tile sizes, you will need a tile saw that has a larger table. You need to make sure the table can support both cutting edges of the tile.

It should also feature things such as a diamond blade, a hydro cooling tank for the blade, a waterproof mode, a blade guard, and an adjustable guide fence. Every tool for the job, even the simplest things such as knee-pads, need to be objectively examined with a critical eye for detail.

Cheap knee pads can prove to be uncomfortable over time, or fray over time, whereas professional quality knee pads will keep your knees from aching during the long process of laying down tiles.

Avoid Bad Tile Tools, Only Buy Professional Quality Tile Tools

If you visit any forum board for contractors in the tiling business, you will see many complaints about specific brands. We won’t list any of the specific brands complained about, but complaints range from things such as tiles breaking while cutting, messy edges, or the blades actually breaking. Even if you aren’t a professional tiler, and you are embarking on a “do it yourself” project in your own home, it is still vastly important that you choose high quality tools.

If you use cheap tools, you will get an amateur looking finish. You will likely want to hire a professional contractor to come in later and repair any damages, which will cost you probably the same amount of just buying professional tile tools in the first place.

Ultimately, you want to make sure that you not only get the best results for your tiling project, your process is sound as well.  So remember, Benjamin Franklin once said: "Failing to plan is planning to fail."  Write down a list of things you're going to need for your tiling project.

Tile? Check.  Grout?  Check.  Measuring tape?  Check.  Measurements of the area?  Check.  And most of all?  Only buy contractor grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tiling and Tile Tools: An In-depth Look at Professional Tile Tools (Contd.)

Contractor grade tile tools are not just meant for ceramic or porcelain tile. They can also be used on natural stone tile as well.

Contractor Grade Tile Tools Can Make Even Stone
Tile Projects Be a Snap | 844-309-2945
Why Should You Get Contractor Grade Tile Tools?

The right tile tools, such as the tile tools used by professionals can make all the difference between success and failure.  Imagine that you need to cut through stone. Would you choose a butter knife to perform the task? That is exactly the sort of endeavor you are undertaking when you choose to work with low quality tiling tools.

You need tiling saws with extraordinarily sharp and durable blades, that won’t give up on you halfway through a cutting job. Using contractor grade tiling tools will also save you money down the road. Besides needing to replace low quality tools after a few uses, you will also find that tiles may come out messy or uneven. You may need to make several trips to the hardware store to purchase more tiles, or show up to a job with more tiles than you really need, to have spare tiles in case of a project going south.

Perfect Cuts: Another Reason to Get Professional Tile Tools

With professional tile tools, you can be assured that every tile will come out perfectly cut, and no materials will be wasted. Tiling is a meticulous, time-consuming job and you are usually billing your client by the work hour or day. If you take extra time because of low quality tools, your customer will likely notice, and find a contractor who can complete the job in a shorter amount of time. Here’s a list of the types of tile materials you will typically work with:

  • Marble
  • Granite
  • Limestone
  • Travertine
  • Slate
  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Metal 
Some of these materials are harder to cut than others. Most contractors generally agree that stone and porcelain tile are the most difficult to work with, and they require only the very best high quality tile tools if you intend on accurately cutting through them, without any mistakes. In the case of porcelain it can shatter fairly easily.

There are also a number of tile tools you may need to work with. Not every job can be completed with a wet saw and wax pencil. All of the tile tools you can choose from have an intended purpose, and trying to save money by opting for lower quality brands will only make your job more difficult.

So remember, start with the right tools.  Get contractor grade tile tools today.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tiling and Tile Tools: An In-depth Look at Professional Tile Tools

Professional grade tile tools will help you regardless of the sort of tiling project you have got planned. Fist, let's start with the basics. What is tiling?

For Intricate Tiling Projects, Get Contractor
Grade Tile Tools | 844-309-2945
Get Contractor Grade Tile Tools

We normally write about contractor grade tile tools. It may sound silly to define tiling. Unless someone has been living in a cave, or a hut with a dirt floor their whole life, they've probably seen tile somewhere, but still it is good to have a working definition.

Officially speaking, tiling is a way of fitting shapes together so that no overlaps or gaps exist. The tiles will fit perfectly together, usually in patterns. To make patterns, you need some sort of contractor grade tile tool such as a tile saw.

There are a few types of tiling jobs, which typically refer to the pattern or style the shapes will be placed together. For these patterns, you'll likely need tile setting tools.

Tiling Projects and Tile Shapes

These tile shapes include but are not limited to; · Tessellation: A shape that is repeated ad infinitum. In order to be considered tessellation, regular polygons must be used. A regular polygon is a shape that has 3 or 4 sides of equal length, so only triangles, squares and hexagons can be used in tessellation. · Rep-Tiling: This means “replicating tiling”, and it basically refers to a shape that can be dissected into smaller versions of the same shape. For example, a triangle that can be cut into 4 smaller triangles, then fitted together to create the one large triangle. · Penrose Tiling: An extremely difficult method of tiling named after Roger Penrose, a mathematician and physicist who discovered it. It’s fairly difficult to describe Penrose tiling in simple terms, but the easiest way to describe it would be an exhibition of fivefold rotational symmetry, and also reflection symmetry.  Contractor grade tile tools can make these patterns a breeze

The tile tools chosen to complete these tiling jobs are vastly important and special care should be taken to select only the very best, high quality tile tools available. If you bring a cheap wet saw from the local hardware store to attempt a job that uses hard porcelain tiles, you may find that your equipment breaks or simply will not cut through the extremely hard material. The size of the tiles you are cutting also need to be taken into considering. Perhaps your tile cutter can handle 14x14 or perhaps 24x24, but what if your job requires tiles that are 32x32? It is important to have multiple tools for the job, and they should be of the best quality available, to save yourself any possible trouble during the job.

So remember, it is up to you.  Your tiling project can end in regret, or it can be a triumph.  To turn your home into a showpiece, start with contractor grade tile tools.  

Tile Tools

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let's Talk About Tile Tools For Professionals (Conclusion)

Contractor grade tile tools are just one part of a successful tiling project. You also want to know some good tiling tips as well.
Buy a Grout Float | 844-309-2945

Contractor Grade Tile Tools: Buy The Right Type of Grout First

So you've heeded our advice and bought yourself some professional grade tile tools. Give yourself a pat on the back! Time to get tiling? Almost. You've come a long way but there's one more point to consider.

Here's a tip from a professional tiling contractor. It may sound obvious, but make sure you choose the right type of grout. You need to make sure you've got the right type of grout. You wouldn't fill a petrol-fuelled Mercedes with diesel, would you? Grout is used for a multitude of joining functions needed for construction work. For tiling purposes, grout is the material that we use to seal joints between tiles and is made up of a mixture of water, cement, sand and sometimes also color tint and fine gravel.

Grout is different to other joint pastes because it creates a waterproof seal, making it ideal for connecting tiles on floors and walls. It comes in three main forms: unsanded, sanded and epoxy. Unsanded grout is used for grout lines smaller than 1/8 inch in width. It is also the easiest to work with on vertical surfaces because it is more sticky than other types of grout. Sanded grout is more versatile and can be used for any grout size larger than 1/8 inch. As the name suggests, sanded grout has fine sand added to it which stops it from shrinking too much while it cures. Watch out, though, this type of grout is rougher on your hands than the unsanded variety. Epoxy grout is made out of epoxy resins and filler powder. It is very durable and also stain-proof. It is stronger than other types of grout but can be tricky to get it set up in a grout joint compared to others and it can cost up to five times as much as standard grouts. Now that we've given you some information about grout, how about grouting tools?

Grouting Tile Tools

A grout float is one tool you'll need for your tile project. Make sure you have one of these as part of the collection of professional grade tile tools you will need.

Always make sure that you do your prep work before you start a tiling project. One of the best things you can do is buy contractor grade tile tools.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Let's Talk About Tile Tools For Professionals (Contd.)

There are several reasons to buy contractor grade tile tools.  One of the best ones is you get more value for your money.  

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Contractor Grade Tile Tools Are Both Safe and Valuable 

Contractor grade tile tools offer much better value for the money than any cheaper alternatives. Why? Ok, the initial outlay is bigger and it will seem like a lot to pay up in one go, but there are other important factors to consider. Consider your purchase as an investment.

As we've already discussed,better tools will give you better results in a fraction of the time. If tiling is your profession, this increases your earning potential significantly. More projects and better quality work will lead to the additional investment in professional grade tile tools paying for themselves in no time. Then there's the small issue of resale value. Professional quality tools maintain a much higher value for longer durations of time should you choose to sell. If you buy your kit with the specific purpose of tiling parts of your home, you may well reach the point where you decide to cash in and sell it second hand. You'll struggle to even give away a rusty and tattered cheap set of tile tools, but a well maintained, contractor grade set of equipment will work like new for many years and also command a high price when you decide to part company with it. 

Safety: Another Reason for Professional Tile Tools

Last, but certainly not least, tile tools for professionals are far safer to use than anything you could buy down the local garden center.   They are also high quality items, like porcelain blades, saws, and other tools that you could use for a project.

One of the best ways to buy tile tools is online.   Whether you use tile tools on a daily basis or just for DIY work, losing a finger is always going to ruin your afternoon. Of course, you can't just rely on your tools to stay safe. You could use the most expensive tools in the world and still injure yourself if you decided to down a bottle of whisky before getting started. Assuming, however, that you work in a careful and sensible manner, you need your tools to stick to their side of the deal. That means tools that are durable and precise. Tools that won't malfunction or give you an electric shock. Tools that have been designed with your safety, not sales margins, in mind.

So remember, when it's time to buy, you want to buy tools that you can use.  The best ones are professional tiling tools.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Let's Talk About Tile Tools For Professionals

Let's talk about tile tools for professionals. We know what you're thinking. A tile tool is a tile tool, right? Wrong.

There is a big difference between contractor grade tile tools and tools that you buy at a hardware store. And if you're going to do any tile projects, you want to make sure you have the best tools to work with.
Contractor Grade Tile Tools Bring Professional
 Results | 844-309-2945

Why You Need Contractor Grade Tile Tools

Here's why you need contractor grade tile tools.  Tiling is a complex, labor-intensive and sometimes intimidating undertaking, but there's no need to run away before you've even dipped your toe in the water! With the right level of care, you'll be confidently laying pristine tiles in no time at all. However, there's one extremely important rule that you need to internalize from the very beginning. It is ESSENTIAL that you have the best possible tools at your disposal.

We've all been there. Money is tight and you need to buy a heap of other stuff for around the house. The last thing you want to do is pay top dollar for a piece of hardware, especially as there's that perfectly snazzy-looking set of tools on sale in the store across the street for a quarter of the price! With tile tools (and all building tools, for that matter), you get what you pay for. Here are some compelling reasons to do yourself a favor and only buy contractor grade tile tools.

Buy Contractor Grade Tile Tools: Time is of the Essence

Speed is one reason to buy tile tools online.  Whether you're a professional tiler or just an everyday Joe embarking on some DIY in the house, time is of the essence. If you're a pro, you likely get paid by the job and will want to work on as many projects as you can without being held back by, for example, a cutter lacking in accuracy and power. If tiling is not your day job then you're no doubt giving up your precious weekends and evenings to get this tiling job done. Wouldn't you rather finish the floor in the morning and get to hang out with your family in the afternoon? Results Even more important than speed, how about the quality of the finished work? Tile tools designed for professionals are the only way to go if you want to avoid that unnecessarily chipped tile or overlapped mess on the wall.

Contractor grade tiling tools put their garden-variety counterparts in the shade when it comes down to the most important features such as durability and strength. Because of their precision, they also allow you to work with decorative tiles, without fear of damaging them. Messing up while tiling is no small matter. The slightest error could lead to you not getting paid for the job or, worse, encountering a very angry spouse. It's simply not worth putting your trust in anything less than the best quality tools you can find. Don't say we didn't warn you.

So remember, you are paying for quality.  Buy contractor grade tile tools today.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Contractor Grade Tile Tools 101 (Conclusion)

There are several key advantages of using contractor grade tile tools.
Contractor Grade Tile Tools Can Help with
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Contractor Grade Tile Tools: Their Benefits and Longevity

Contractor grade tile tools do provide some benefit beyond making sure you're getting that project done right. When you've packed them away after finishing the project, you'll know that they're still waiting for you to pull them back out and, if another DIY enthusiast happens to see them, they send the message that you care about getting the job done right the first time, every time. Your friends might even be a little bit jealous that you can actually afford those tools and have them ready to go when you've already done the tile floor in your kitchen and are thinking about tackling those worn-out tiles in your shower next.

As tempting as it might be to lend your professional grade tile tools out so your friends can try them, well, you probably are going to want them back so you can use them for other projects and that means being careful about exactly who you lend them to. When you're the one who handles most of the DIY projects around the house, you're doing work that would likely cost a lot of money if you hired contractors to do the same job.

That means you can actually have your house looking pretty nice and increase its value without pumping quite as much money into it. Is it really worth saving an extra few bucks by buying anything other than contractor grade tile tools when you're the one who is doing most of the work in a project that involves tiles? These are basically the tools you buy when you want the floor tiling look like it was professionally done with no jagged edges, overlapping tile or gaps in your floor. That means you're getting more of the satisfaction of knowing you did almost as good as a contractor might have.
The right source for your tile tools will also have decorative tile touches as well.

Professional Grade Tile Tools: Some Final Thoughts

There is a difference between regular tools and those that are contractor grade tile tools. Professional grade tile tools are durable, as we covered previously, and their initial cost is offset by the fact that you only have to buy the tool once for years or even decades of use. Ultimately, consider the tools that you buy and use as investments. So what do you want to invest in? A tool that will fall apart, or contractor grade tile tools that have no shelf-life?

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Contractor Grade Tile Tools 101 (Contd.)

Contractor grade tile tools are more than durable, they are also fairly easy to use.

A Grouting Float is Just One Example
of Contractor Grade Tile Tools |

What is the Difference Between Regular and Contractor Grade Tile Tools?  

First off, the amount of time that you can use them successfully.  They are also a lot easier to use.  For example if you buy contractor grade tile tools they will be easy to grip without the handle sliding around in your hands or being too wide to fit easily in the palm of your hand.

You might laugh because your hands aren't exactly petite, but you'd be surprised by how many times somebody injured themselves because they couldn't keep a good grip on the tools that they were using. That sort of thing tends to negate the positive benefits of doing the work yourself. It's a safety issue so, whenever you get a chance while shopping for tile tools, pick one up to make sure it's not going to slide out of your hands or become a hazard when you get sweaty palms.

Grout Tools and Grout Lines

One example that you should consider is grout. Now, granted, grout might not be what you think of as a tool as such, but this is basically what holds the tile together when you're handling jobs like redoing the tile in your shower. You're probably not buying the totally cheap stuff because you want it to actually do the job of holding the tiles together.   You will also want a professional grade grouting tool as well.

Some contractors prefer un-sanded grout because it's less likely to scratch polished tiles, easier to work with and stickier than the sanded variety, making it a better option for handling vertical tiles when the grout line is less than 1/8” wide. Basically, it's efficient when you're working with it and strong enough to hold tiles together when the lines aren't very wide. For grout lines wider than 1/8”, though, the grout should be sanded to avoid damage caused by grout shrinkage. When the lines are too wide for the un-sanded version, you want to go for the durability of sanded grout so the tiled panels don't start falling apart because the grout shrank. Choosing tile tools should be a lot like choosing the grout you use. You choose the best for the job and, in cases where you want to make sure you're handling a large job well, that will mean contractor grade.

Ultimately, if you're doing a tiling project, the right tools can make all of the difference in how well your project goes off.  If you go cheap and buy lower grade tools, you'll likely end up with a lower grade tiling project.  However, if you buy contractor grade tile tools, you can expect professional results.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Contractor Grade Tile Tools 101

When you are starting a tiling project, the right tools make all the difference.
Before starting a tiling project, get the right tile tools | 844-309-2945

Why Buy Contractor Grade Tile Tools?

Are you the one who handles most of the maintenance and home improvement projects around the house? I bet this saves you a lot of money on contractors. It's pretty sweet to know that you can rely on your own skills and create good-looking projects without shelling out a ton of money for the job. However, if this sounds like you, you should never skimp on the tile tools you use if you want your projects to come out looking like something that was professionally done. Contractor grade tile tools can really save you a lot of aggravation when you're in the middle of a project that involves your tiling.

Four Things To Look For When Choosing Contractor Grade Tile Tools

Sturdiness: Most tile is made out of very hard substances such as stone, ceramic, metal or glass. You'll have to cut your own tile at some point in the project, which means that you'll want tools that are sharp and sturdy enough to avoid not only messy and uneven cuts, but also a dangerous situation where a sharp tool might break in your hands because it wasn't sturdy enough.Durability: When you're dealing with materials like tile, you'll also have to deal with the fact that tools can wear out over time. You may have even been through that before when you were in the middle of a DIY project, a cheap power tool stopped functioning, and you had to go buy another one before you could finish. You should keep contractor grade tile tools on hand that are durable enough to finish the job and keep around for the next time you want to handle a job that involves tile without giving you a problem.

Efficiency: You want tile tools that can help you get the job done in a reasonable amount of time. This means tools that have a good efficiency rating so you won't face the embarrassment of explaining what took you so long to cut or lay the tile.Strength: Many tools for handling projects that involve tile are basically machines that are designed to enhance human effort. Tools can actually break because the person using them was trying to use them for a job that they weren't strong enough for. That means choosing tools that can keep up with the job regardless of how much tile needs to be used in that particular job.

We will continue this list in a future article, but for now, know that you want to get contractor grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Compelling Reasons Why You Should Buy Contractor Grade Tile Tools (Conclusion)

There is a difference between tools that you buy and contractor grade tile tools that you can buy online. What's the difference? Well, read on.
Travertine Tile is Just Type that You Can Use
Contractor Grade Tile Tools On |

Contractor Grade Tile Tools Are Accurate And Precise

We can't state this enough. If you want precision cuts and accurate placement of your tile, then tools that you bought from some discount tile shop will not give you the same results as contractor grade tile tools that you can buy online will. If handled properly, these tools can help you to produce attractive and professional results.

For instance, tile cutters, which are popular contractor grade tile tools, are extremely sharp. They are capable of cutting through thick and large tiles efficiently and accurately, allowing you to get your desired tile size irrespective of the type of material the tiles are made of. Similarly, tile nippers work efficiently to remove irregular shapes on tiles, thereby ensuring that all your tiles have a uniform shape.

Contractor Grade Tile Tools May Help You Avoid Injuries

If you value your health and life, then you should make a conscious decision to use only the right tools for your tiling projects. Spending your money on professional grade tools that are durable, reliable and efficient will go a long way in eliminating the risk of getting injured while working. For instance, when you’re working on a hard surface, your knees are bound to get hurt if you don’t protect yourself appropriately.

Using a contractor grade rolling knee board will not just protect your knees, but will also increase the rate at which you work. In other words, it will make you more efficient, while at the same time protecting you from harm. On the same note, if your favorite pair of gloves aren’t contractor-grade, then you need to consider upgrading them to offer maximum protection to your hands while working. A good pair of gloves should be durable and well-insulated without making the hands too sweaty. As a homeowner who only does occasional DIY projects, you may argue that only contractors need all these professional grade tools because their job is their livelihood, but that’s shouldn’t be the case. All lives matter, whether you’re a contractor or not, so protect yourself and life by using the right tools at all times. Overall, contractor grade tile tools are durable, reliable strong and efficient, and will never let you down like their low-quality counterparts. With these tools, you’re assured of getting high-quality results in all your tile projects. So remember. You want your home to look its best. One way is to get contractor grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Compelling Reasons Why You Should Buy Contractor Grade Tile Tools (Contd.)

Are contractor grade tile tools required for a tile project?  That depends on the answers to a few questions.

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Do You Want a Tile Project to Look Professional?

Do you want a professional looking tile project?  If yes, then that's where professional grade tile tools come in.

Using contractor grade tile tools for your tile projects can help you save lots of time.   As you may already know, laying down tiles can be really long and tiring, especially when you’re working on a big surface. Besides, you need to be very careful during the whole process to avoid leaving too much space between the tiles, or overlapping them. But, the good news is that contractor tiling tools can help you to get the job done faster compared to ordinary tools, while ensuring high-quality results. They are designed specifically to make your job easier, which in turn enables you to finish your projects within a short period of time.

What are we talking about? An ordinary pair of kneepads will certainly protect your knees while tiling your floor, but only for a short time because they aren’t that long-lasting. Besides, they’re more likely to irritate your skin, causing you to take more breaks (and waste too much time) as you work. However, contractor grade kneepads are more durable and comfortable on the skin and are less likely to cause any irritation. As a result, you’ll be able to work faster because you require fewer breaks.

Contractor Grade Tile Tools Help To Save Lots of Money In The Long Run

Getting high-quality services from contractors is important for many homeowners in any home improvement project. And if they can save money in the process, that’s even better. No wonder some people opt to do everything themselves as opposed to hiring professionals in a bid to save money on labor costs. Yes, you can save money on DIY projects, but only if you have the required skills and proper tile tools to do the job right. Professional grade tile tools can help you to accomplish your tiling project properly and quickly, while protecting you from harm.

With proper care, you’ll be able to use the same tools for your projects, and reap the same benefits over and over again. With no costly DIY mistakes that require repairs, injuries or tools breaking down in the middle of work, you’ll be able to save lots of cash in the long run.  Start by buying only the best.  Buy contractor grade tile tools today.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Compelling Reasons Why You Should Buy Contractor Grade Tile Tools

Buying contractor grade tile tools makes all the difference in the world for your tile project.
Contractor Grade Tile Tools Makes Your Tile Project
Look Professionally Done | 844-309-2945

Contractor Grade Tile Tools Are Durable And Reliable

Whether you’re working on a big tiling project or simply remodeling your bathroom floor, you want your tiles to look their best, or the whole project will be meaningless. The best way to achieve high-quality results is by using the right tools at all times. By this, I mean using the best contractor grade tile tools available in the market. Unfortunately, some Do-It-Yourselfers are often tempted to buy cheap and low-quality tile tools in a bid to save money on their tile projects but don’t do it.

Why? Because you will only end up wasting your precious time and hard-earned money. And as if that is not enough, the quality of your work will be below standard. This is why it’s very important that you use the right tools for all your tile projects. Here are some key reasons that will motivate you to buy only contractor grade tile tools.

Why Professional Tiles Work the Best

Tiles are usually made of ceramic, glass, metal and stone. When cutting them, you need tools that are not just strong, but also extremely sharp to avoid getting messy edges. In addition, tiles come in various sizes and shapes, with the square and rectangular shapes being the most common. Depending on the nature of your project, you may need to cut your tiles into smaller sizes to make them fit properly.

Using ordinary tile saws found in your local hardware store for this job won’t help you much, so don’t waste your money on them. Just like all other low-quality products, these saws will give up on you after only a few runs. On the other hand, contractor grade tile saws will enable you to cut through large tiles quickly and with ease. They have high-powered electric motors that enable them to cut through strong materials such as metal, stone and granite easily. These professional tools are stronger, and more durable and efficient than their low-grade counterparts. Hence, you can rely on them to carry out all your tiling projects without fail. We will cover this topic in a future article as well.

So remember, you want y out tiling project to look its best. Short of hiring a tiling company to install your tile for you, the best way to do it yourself is to get the right tools, namely contractor grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Professional Tile Tools: All About the Grout

There is a lot more to doing a successful tile project than professional grade tile tools.  You have some other material that is often overlooked:  Your grout.

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Grout and Tile Tools

First off, what is grout? According to the site WIKIPEDIA.ORG: "Grout is a construction material used to embed rebars in masonry walls, connect sections of pre-cast concrete, fill voids, and seal joints (like those between tiles). Grout is generally a mixture of water, cement, sand, often color tint, and sometimes fine gravel (if it is being used to fill the cores of concrete blocks). It is applied as a thick emulsion and hardens over time, much like its close relative mortar.[1] Unlike other structural pastes such as plaster or joint compound, grout, when mixed and applied correctly, creates a waterproof seal. Main varieties include: tiling grout (either urethane, cement-based or epoxy), flooring grout, resin grout, non-shrink grout, structural grout and thixotropic grout. Structural grout is often used in reinforced masonry to fill voids in masonry housing reinforcing steel, securing the steel in place and bonding it to the masonry.[1] Non-shrink grout is used beneath metal bearing plates to ensure a consistent bearing surface between the plate and its substrate. Portland cement-based grouts come in different varieties depending on the particle size of the ground clinker used to make the cement, with a standard size of around 15 microns, microfine at around 6-10 microns, and ultrafine below 5 microns, with the ability of the final grout to penetrate a fissure largely dependent on this particle size (smaller size equates to greater penetration).[2] Because these grouts depend on the presence of sand for their basic strength, they are often somewhat gritty when finally cured and hardened. Tiling grout is often used to fill the spaces between tiles or mosaics, and to secure tile to its base. Although ungrouted mosaics do exist, most have grout between the tesserae. Tiling grout is also cement-based, and comes in sanded as well as unsanded varieties. The sanded variety contains finely ground silica sand; unsanded is finer and produces a non-gritty final surface. They are often enhanced with polymers and/ or latex. There are several tools associated with applying and removal of grout such as: grout saw or grout scraper a manual tool for removal of old and discolored grout. The blade is usually composed of tungsten carbide. grout float a trowel-like tool for smoothing the surface of a grout line, typically made of rubber or soft plastic. grout sealer a water-based or solvent-based sealant[3] applied over dried grout that resists water, oil, and acid-based contaminants. Dremel grout attachment an attachment guide used in a die grinder for faster removal of old grout than a standard grout saw. Pointing Trowel Used for applying grout in flagstone, and other stone works." [READ SOURCE]

Where Can I Find Tools to Work on Grout? 

While finding tools for grout is fairly easy, there is one piece of advice we would like to offer.  Make sure you get professional grade tile tools for any tile project.  Why?  Well, it is the difference between a fiasco and a well done tile project. 

How can the right tools help.  For one durability.  They're not going to break easily.  You also get the best your money can buy. 

So make sure when you buy, you always buy professional grade tile tools

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Contractor Grade Tile Tools and the Right Type of Grout

While we talk a lot about selecting the right tools, particularly contractor-grade tile tools, it's also important that you consider the grout that you use.
Buying the Right Grout is as Important As
Contractor Grade Tile Tools |

How Many Types of Grout Are There?

How many types of grout are there?  According to the site The Floor Elf:
"There are three basic types of grout available for your tile installation. They are:

Non-Sanded (also known as Unsanded)

Choosing the correct grout for your particular installation will not only complete the job correctly, it will also cut down on maintenance. Properly installed and sealed grout will last for the life of your tile. So which to use and when? Non-Sanded (or Unsanded) Grout Unsanded grout is made specifically for grout lines smaller than 1/8 inch wide. This is a general rule. I use unsanded grout only in tile with grout lines smaller than 1/16″. Unsanded grout (all grout to different degrees) will shrink as it cures. The reason for only using it in smaller grout lines is the wider the grout lines, the more grout must be used to fill them. The more grout you have, the more it will shrink. If you try to fill grout lines that are too large the grout will shrink enough to pull away from the sides of the tile.

Unsanded grout is easier to work with, especially on vertical surfaces such as a shower wall, because it is “stickier” than the sanded variety. You can spread it onto the wall and it will stick there while you force it into the grout lines. It is also much easier on the hands than sanded. Although it is easier to work with, you need to make sure that the application for which you are using it is correct. Sanded Grout Sanded Grout is used for any size grout lines 1/8″ and wider. Although the specifications state unsanded grout be used in grout lines that are exactly 1/8″, you really should use sanded for them. It will ensure proper adhesion to your tile and guard against too much shrinkage. No, not Seinfeld shrinkage, grout shrinkage. Sanded grout has fine sand added to it. This prevents the grout from shrinking too much as it cures. That’s why it is used for larger grout lines and should be used for the majority of tile installations. If you have a polished stone such as granite, marble, limestone, and some polished travertine, you should be careful about using sanded grout. While sanded may be the correct choice for the size of grout lines, it may not be the best choice. Depending upon the polish of the stone the sand in the grout may actually scratch it. If you decide to use sanded make sure you test it in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it will not scratch your finish. Or use epoxy which would be a better choice anyway. "


How Can You Buy Grout?

Buying grout also depends on the project in question. As to where you can buy grout, one of the best ways to get it is to buy it online.

The better websites will let you buy both grout and tile tools in the same place.

So remember, you want the right materials for your tiling project.  You want the right tile, the right grout, and most importantly of all, the right tile tools for the job.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Why Should You Use Contractor Grade Tile Tools?

Just as there's a difference between tile types, there is also a difference between regular tile tools and contractor grade tile tools.

Professional Grade Tile Tools Make a Big Difference
In Any Tiling Project | 844-309-2945
Contractor Grade Tile Tools are What Experts Use

Decades back, tiling was considered to be a profession that one became an expert at only after spending years in the trade. The tips and techniques used in the tiling business were considered to be trade secrets which could not be shared outside the profession. However, over the years we have seen plenty of stores open up and do good business by selling tiles and tile tools.

If you are looking forward to tiling your floor or wall while ensuring that the result looks professional and clean, you need to start with the best source materials to do the job. This is why you should get the best contractor grade tile tools that are available in the market. It does not matter whether you are working on a big tiling commercial project or are simply remodeling your kitchen floor or setting down tiles in your new house- these contractor grade tools are what you should be using all the time.

Contractor Grade Tile Tools and Attention to Detail

While tiling is an easy process, you need to be extremely meticulous when you lay them down to avoid overlapping or leaving too much of space in between. The contractor tiling tools are of professional grade, and they can get the job done much quicker than otherwise, while ensuring top quality result. Are you wondering why or how these contractor tile tools are different from the usual garden-variety kits that you find in your local hardware store? These professional tools are sturdier, durable, efficient, and strong. You can rely on these without fail.

A tile is usually made of stone, ceramic, metal or glass. This means that you need something strong and extremely sharp to be able to cut them without running the risk of getting messy edges. Tiles also come in different shapes and sizes- the rectangular and square shape being the most common. But tiling projects often differ from one another, and you may need to cut the tiles down in size to fit them properly. Using the usual tile saw found in the market will not help you here. After the first few runs, they will give out on you. A professional grade tile saw will help you to cut through big format stones and large tiles. Because they run on high power electric motors, they can easily cut through strong materials like granite, stone, and metal.

Ultimately, you want your tile to look it's best, or your whole project is meaningless.  So start with professional grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Why Contractor Grade Tile Tools are Worth It (Conclusion)

There are some final reasons to consider contractor grade tile tools.  

Professional Grade Tile Tools Include Items
Such as Gloves | 844-309-2945

Professional Grade Tile Tools May Help You Avoid Injuries

A contractor who uses professional grade tile tools knows that their body is their livelihood, and so the decision to spend money on tools to keep it working and intact is a no-brainer. But your body is no less important to the life you live! These tools will come in handy for almost all home improvement projects, and, if you use them right, you’re certain to have many more to come.

A simple pair of kneepads can make the job much easier, as well as have you working faster because you need fewer breaks. The contractor-grade versions of these will be much less likely to irritate your skin, and will last far longer. But there’s even a step up from there: since you’ll be working on a hard surface, a rolling knee board makes perfect sense. This will protect your knees and increase the rate at which you’re able to work. The cream of the crop even includes chest support, so you can lean over your grouting work without taking the life out of your back. 

Contractor Grade Tile Tools: Hand in Glove

You’re almost certain to already have a favorite pair of gloves in a drawer somewhere. If they’re already contractor-grade, then great, you should keep using them. But if you just picked them up out of the bargain bin and have since grown attached to them, consider upgrading. A good pair of work gloves will be well-insulated without making your hands too sweaty, and will be durable without sacrificing too much dexterity. It’s always a game of give and take, but contractor grade tools take advantage of the latest scientific research to get you the best of both worlds. As always, what seem like small advantages for the high-end actually go a long way toward saving you time and money on this project, and for many projects in the future.

You already know the value of putting your own work into a project, and you’re well aware that sometimes you have to pay a little more to get the quality you need in a project. Yet if you think all of this and you’re still settling for consumer-grade tools, you’re cheating yourself. In almost every phase of the tiling process, spending a little more money on the tools you use will save you time, materials, and even your own health, and you’ll be able to carry them forward into future projects and reap the same benefits again and again.

So remember there is a difference between tools.  There are bargain tools and contractor grade tile tools.  

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why Contractor Grade Tile Tools Are Worth It (Contd.)

Contractor grade tile tools are a little more money, but they make all the difference in the world. And, really, the greatest cost for any tiling job is always the materials. Spending a little more on your tools will save you money on the project as a whole, as you won’t have to make another trip to the store for more tile.
If you need professional grade tile tools,
give us a call at 844-309-2945

Tile Cutters and Professional Grade Tile Tools

Furthermore, higher quality tile cutters will be able to handle a greater variety of tile shapes, allowing you to get creative with the job. So whether you want to use a wet saw or piano cutter, hand held or overhead, it always pays to go with contractor grade tools.

Grouting Tools
Grouting – and, if you’re re-tiling, removing grout – is one of the more tedious parts of any tiling projects. With the right tools, this phase will go quickly and look great when it’s done. Not all grout floats are created equal. With the right grade of rubber, you’re much more likely to avoid scratching or staining your new tiles as you spread the grout and clean it away. For tiles with larger grooves, a good striking tool is indispensable for making the grout look smooth and concave.

Professional Grade Tile Tools and Removing Grout

Grout is like the icing on the cake: the tiles may look great, but if the grouting is done poorly, the room will look terrible. There is no better way to ruin the aesthetic of a room than having lines that aren’t level: if it’s at all visible it will look sloppy, and if it’s bad enough, the tiles won’t fit the scheme. To ensure straight lines, do what contractors do: use a laser level. Bubble levels may work for hanging a photo on the wall, but for something as important as your tiling, spend the money, and do it right.

The removal of grout is more dependent on the tools you use, particularly if you installed it well the first time. A good grout removal fitting for an oscillating drill will be able to get into more places than its low-grade counterpart. In this sense, getting a reliable contractor-grade tool can replace more than one consumer-grade tool.

Above all else, you want the best tools for whatever your tiling project is.  Whether those tools are diamond tools or simple cutters, go for the best.


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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Why Contractor Grade Tile Tools Are Worth It

Why are contractor grade tile tools so important? Well, it's all in the sort of job that you want done regarding your tiling project, even if you are doing it on your own.
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Tile Projects and Professional Grade Tile Tools

There’s a certain satisfaction that comes from taking care of a home renovation project on your own. It’s not just about saving money by circumventing the need to hire a contractor: it’s also about the independence of being able to take control of your own home. If you’ve got the know-how and the tile tools at your disposal, you can turn a home repair or renovation into a fulfilling and rewarding personal project. If you’ve ever taken on one of the projects, you know you know how important the tools that you use for the project are.

If you’re re-tiling your bathroom or kitchen, you can save a little money by getting low level consumer-grade tools, but you’re actually better off spending some of the money you save doing it yourself on professional, contractor-grade tile tools. This will ensure that the work is done precisely and effectively, and you won’t need to redo the work earlier than necessary. If you think about the kinds of tile tools you’ll be using to re-tile your bathroom or kitchen, in each case it becomes obvious why going for contractor-grade is the right choice for the job. Not only will the finished work look better and last longer, contractor-grade tile tools also tend to resist wear and tear much better than their low end counterparts, allowing you to use them for many years.

Tile Cutters and Tiling Projects: A Beginner's Guide

The foundation of any tiling job is the tile cutter. The quality of tile cutter that you have will determine the quality of the lines you cut, and the speed at which you can get through the work. A contractor-grade tile cutter will make accurate and straight cuts, ensuring that your tiles fit well into the scheme. The high-quality blades that professional tile cutters sport will also break far fewer tiles—some consumer-grade cutters will break as many 90% of tiles of certain materials!

That means you’ll be able to work through the tiling project more quickly, finishing the project sooner and saving money on materials. So remember, even if you're doing it yourself, you want your tiling project to look like it was done by a professional contractor. The best way to accomplish this? Buy contractor grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tile Contractors and Tile Installation Projects

Professional tile contractors know what tile tools to use for a tile installation project.
Glass tiles are just one tiling project that benefits from
contractor grade tile tools | 844-309-2945

Contractor Grade Tile Tools

Tile tools are fairly diverse, even among contractor grade tile tools. There are dozens if not hundreds of tile tools out there. These tools can be classified into a few main groups, however. The first tool to consider is a trowel. What a lot of people don't know about trowels is that they only really have a few sizes. How do you find the proper trowel size? To select the right right size trowel, it is merely a matter of corresponding the size of the trowel to the size of the tile. A small trowel must be used for small tiles.

Larger tiles require the use of a larger trowel. You may need a different trowel size than what you're thinking about based on exactly where you're going to fit your tile, however. Floors, particularly high traffic locations, require thicker grout than other areas such as ceilings, backsplashes, or walls. In addition, any surface that is angled needs thicker grout as well. If you're a tiling contractor you will need a bigger trowel for these sort of projects. In some cases, however, you may need to use a grout float

A grout float is a hard rubber pad with a handle on one side. Grout is the mortar that goes between the tiles, locking them together. You use the float to spread the grout out and force it into the cracks and channels between tiles. Because it's made of rubber, the float won't scratch or chip the face of the tiles. While it is important to pick the right trowel or other tool for applying grout, you want to make sure that you also get tools for the tile itself, such as a tile saw.

Info on Tile Saws

Like a trowel, a tile saw should be chosen based on the type of tile that is to be used in the project. Stone tile obviously needs a tougher saw than ceramic or porcelain tile. Glass tiles, like the ones pictured above require a bit of finesse whichever tool you're using or you can chip or crack the tiles.   When using any type of tile saw, safety goggles must be worn at all times. Most tile saws are power saws and using water, are designed especially for cutting tile. Wet tile saws are the most efficient way to cut tile. A wet tile saw uses a water source, usually something like a hose, and there must be another outlet for waste water also. Use a bucket to capture the water. It's important to know that the bucket should be under the saw, or the water will not drain properly. Before you use a tile saw, measure the area twice and make certain that you have the tile, grout, and mortar necessary for your job. Ultimately, whether your tile project is a success or failure depends on the tools that you select. The best tools to pick are contractor grade tiling tools

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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Professional Grade Tile Tools for the Contractor in US All

Professional grade tile tools aren't just for contractors.  Now the rest of us have access to them as well.  

Professional Grade Tile Tools
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Why Buy Professional Grade Tile Tools?

For many of us homeowners who have home improvement projects that need to be done we, more often than not, find ourselves wanting to do our own improvements rather than hiring a contractor to perform them. There are all sorts of home improvements that come into play when you own a home and one of the most challenging and definitely difficult home improvement projects is that of laying tile. Tiling is by far one of the most tedious and time consuming projects to undertake. However, the key to a successful tiling project truly lies within the tile tools used to perform this complex task and the individual's ability to property utilize the tools to their specific capacity.

With so many tile tools available on the market today, many of which are versatile in their performance capabilities, it is imperative that you avoid purchasing and using substandard tools to perform this very tedious project. It is best to use contractor grade tile tools that will provide for a more efficient and professional installation. As is the case with any project, the accessibility and usage of proper resources and tools makes for a top of the line successful final project.

Buying Tile Tools Online

Contractor grade tile tools are useful products that afford the consumer the most state of the art tools needed for any size of tiling project. There are an array of specific tile tools that should be on hand before beginning your tile project that will ultimately allow you to efficiently perform the install with the utmost confidence and professionalism. Here are some of the most important tile tools to purchase and have on hand and the function each will play during your tiling project.

A wet tile saw - Let's face it; for those of you who know anything about tools this is the one all-important tile tool that everyone needs when laying tile. This wet tile saw will cut right through the most stubborn of materials including porcelain, stone tile, and ceramic with little to no effort at all.

There are other tools of course.  However, the most important thing to remember here is that tile tools are not all the same.  When in doubt, always go for professional grade tile tools.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Contractor Grade Tile Tools: Shaping and Cutting Tile

Professional grade tile tools are something you should consider for any tiling project.  
Installing glass tiles is just one project that can
benefit from contractor grade tile tools | 844-309-2945

Tiling and Contractor Grade Tile Tools

What is tiling and how to do it properly the first time? One way is to use contractor grade tile tools.  Tiling is a way of placing shapes that are the same so that when you are all done an area is completely covered without having anything overlap each other, in other words it is any surface that is covered by tile. The surfaces can include a floor, a counter, a wall, a shower and plenty of others. You can either hire a professional to do the job or you can do it yourself. At first it may seem like doing tiling on your own is a lot to take on but once you get started you will quickly realize that it is a lot easier than what you previously thought. 

Make Sure You Have the Right Tile Tools

You need to just be sure that you have all of the proper tools and materials to complete the job from start to finish; if you stop in the middle it won’t turn out right, like with putting wood floors down you need to get it all done in one shot and let it sit too dry before use. Contractor grade tile tools are the best kind to go with and are easy to find .

Years and years ago tiling was considered to be like a secret of sorts; only a few people knew how to do and learned through several years of working in the trade. Now there are stores all over that only sell tiles and tiling tools and most of their customers are people who own their own homes and are doing the work themselves. Tile is best used on surfaces that need to resistant to water as well as insanely durable; a few other areas where you could use tile include but are not limited to the following of entry ways, offices and kitchens.

Since more and more people are doing tiling on their own it is best to always use contractor grade tile tools; first you need to figure out what all that entails. You may think that there are a lot of tools and materials used in the process of tiling but that is the farthest thing from the truth; you don’t need many tools at all and the ones that you do need are really easy to use. Mainly you will need a tile cutter, a pair of nippers, a notched trowel and some grout.  But most of all you need professional grade tile tools.  

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What are some of the best tile saw models in the market today. Let’s find out:

A Professional Grade Tile Saw is Crucial for Cutting Tile |
Tile Saws: The "Cutting Edge" of Technology

Husqvarna Super Tilematic TS 250 XL3 Wet Tile Saw SKIL 3540-02 4.2-Amp 7-Inch Wet Tile Saw-
This is apparently one of the best models with innovative features that are easy, reliable, and safe for use. By using the wet tile cutter, it can be by far easy to cut whatever shapes of your tiles. 
Carbide-tipped Hole saw
You will probably need to cut some holes in your tile especially when you bump into a faucet or shower-head. Carbide-tipped hole saw lets you drill holes through softer tiles and ceramic materials. Using your preferred drill fitted with the hole accessory, simply press the saw a bit and make a certain circular movement without starting the drilling. 

You will apparently hear a little cracking sound as the drill part digs the hole. As you proceed making this circular movement slowly, gently squeeze the trigger until the hole saw starts to dig into the tile. Once it begins to drill in, straighten up the bit and then drill through the tile while gradually spraying the drill bit continually with water in order to keep it cool. Remember, the drilling progress generates significant amount of heat.

Master Cut 3/5 HP Wet Saw
This is another incredible model with a diamond blade of about 7 inches and a direct drive motor of 3/5 HP. These features are significant as they make it applicable to cut ceramic and porcelain tiles. 

With Master Cut 3/5 HP Wet Saw, you can easily work in small and constricted spaces because it is compact sized. If you wish to cut the larger tiles you can as well utilize the open table design. 

Diamond-tipped Porcelain Hole saw
This model is almost similar to the carbide-tipped counterpart. It is specially designed for cutting into porcelain and several other harder tiles such as Granite. The process for making the way into the tile is also identical. 

For Small Projects: Tile Cutters and Tile Nippers

Tile Nipper
If you have a few tiles to notch, you might probably consider utilizing a tile nipper. With a tile nipper, you will need to use a score and nip approach. You may not end up with a nice clean cut, though, and the finished products may not look that good unless they are covered up. Therefore, my genuine advice is to only utilize this model specifically for scoring tiles around pipe equipment that will later be covered with some decorative plates. 

There are several types of tile saws available in the contemporary market. You can select the most suitable tool for your future use. Furthermore, there are many companies selling tile saws, some allows clients to rent their tile tools. You can as well save some cash so you can acquire the most suitable tool for your next project(s)

Ultimately, as we covered in our previous article, the right tile tools can make all the difference in the world for your tile project.

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