Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tile Installation Project: Install a Back Splash In Your Kitchen

A good tile installation project is a great way to improve both the beauty and the functionality of your home. Let's look at installing a tile back splash in your kitchen.

Install a Tile Back Splash

First off, what is a tile back splash? A back splash is a vertical extension of a counter that serves a protective function. Back splashes protect the wall from splatters of liquid. In the kitchen, there are generally a few areas that you might find a tile back splash, behind the range top, near the sink, and on any counters where food prep is done.

A back splash is usually made of natural stone, glass, or tile of some sort . Glass tile mosaic is one of the most popular forms of tile back splash. They make clean up a lot easier. For example, let's say that you want to bake a cake, and you accidentally bumped the mixer so that cake batter splatters all over the kitchen. With a tile back splash installed. But how do you install a tile back splash?

Use the Right Tile Tools For The Job

Start with your tile tools. One that you're going to need for sure is a notched tile trowel . You're also going to need thin-set mortar, rags, and other types of professional grade tile tools. One of your first step before you put any tiles down is to measure the surface carefully so you can get an accurate measure of the square footage. If you're going for glass tile mosaic, Mosaic tile can be applied to any wall surface as long as it is clean, smooth and solid. If you have wallpaper or loose paint, make sure you remove them first. Sand the area thoroughly and sponge away the dust. Gather all the tools and supplies you need for the project before you begin. Lightly tape mosaic sheets up to make sure your layout works.

Cut sheets with a utility knife , cutting the mesh from the backside of the sheet. Work out how you will handle any gap between the tile and the bottom of the wall cabinets. Above all else, plan out your project carefully, and review your steps too.

Make sure you have not only the supplies that you're going to need, but the time to do the project properly. Otherwise, you might find yourself having to scramble to find either tile tools or something like grout or thin-set.

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